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Benefits of House Calls

August 1, 2021

Have you ever wished that house calls from doctors were the norm, rather than the exception? Home visits are somewhat uncommon in human health care, but it’s on the rise in the world of veterinary medicine. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of having their pets examined at home. Here, a Dawsonville, GA vet lists some reasons to consider having your vet come to you.


Observing pets in their home environment can provide veterinarians with quite a bit of insight. Your veterinarian may notice small things that affect pets’ health and/or behavior. This can be anything from spotting poisonous plants to assessing behavioral issues.

No Travel

Getting a sick or elderly animal into the carrier or car can be difficult, especially if they don’t feel well. In many cases, this alone is reason enough to go with house calls!

Mobility Issues

Another reason many people like using mobile vets is because scheduling is so easy. If you’re working from home or staying home with an elderly parent or a young child, you’ll also appreciate the minimal schedule disruption.

Multiple Pets

Do you have more than one pet? Getting Fluffy, Fido, and Mittens to one appointment can be quite a hassle. Individual appointments, on the other hand, can get pretty time consuming. Mobile vets can see several animals in one visit, which is convenient and logical.

Large Animals

If you have larger animals, such as horses, goats, or donkeys, a mobile vet is really just common sense, especially if you’re dealing with illness or injuries.

Purrs and Tail Wags

Our animal friends are always more comfortable in their home environments. Kitties often get upset whenever they’re taken out of their domains. Dogs are more adventurous, but even the most outgoing pup can get nervous at animal clinics, because of all the strange faces and scents.


We know, it can be very difficult to realize that your time with your animal friend is running low. However, allowing pets to comfortably transition at home is one of the best things you can do for them. The experience will still be difficult for you emotionally, but knowing you gave your buddy a sweet and dignified farewell may help quite a bit.

Do you want to schedule a home appointment? Do you want to learn about our mobile clinic? Contact us, your Dawsonville, GA veterinary clinic!

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