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Our Services

Our Services
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We provide a wide range of professional services to meet your needs. We’d love to show you what a difference in-home health care can make for both you and your pet.

Keeping your pet happy and healthy requires more than just a good diet, regular exercise and a safe place to live. It takes a partnership and a commitment to providing your loved one with a lifetime of quality health care. That’s where Petwise comes into play! Not only do we offer comprehensive medical and integrative therapy options, but we deliver that care right to your home.

Our services are built upon a foundation of wellness care, because we believe that prevention is always the best medicine. To that end, we provide everything from annual exams and vaccinations to nutritional guidance and routine diagnostic screenings. Should your pet become sick or injured, we’re only a phone call away.

For those who prefer a more natural approach to veterinary care, we offer a wide array of integrative health services, including vaccine titer testing, acupuncture, herbal therapy and aromatherapy. We also offer several vaccine alternatives.

For a complete list of services available to patients of Petwise, please see below. Or better yet – contact us today to book an appointment!