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Choosing A Rescue Dog

May 15, 2023

May 20th is Rescue Dog Day! We’re more than happy to help support this wonderful cause. If you’re considering adopting a new pooch, a rescue is a great way to go. A Clarkesville, GA vet offers some tips on choosing Fido in this article.

Ask Questions

Sometimes shelters don’t have much information on their furry wards. However, that isn’t always the case. They may actually know quite a bit about Fido. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

Consider Other Pets

If you have other animals, you’ll need to take them into consideration as well. Stick with pups that get along well with other pets.

Meet And Greet

Take time to meet your new potential pet. It’s important to connect with Fido, even if he still seems shy and wary. A dog may check all of your boxes, but still not be the right fit for you. Listen to your heart! 

Don’t Assume Breed

Shelters have dogs of every size, shape, color, age, and breed. Even if you are looking for a specific breed, you may very well find the perfect pooch in a shelter. Just keep in mind that rescues are often listed as the breed that staff members feel is the best guess or closest match, and those assumptions may not always be accurate. 


Our canine pals are very resilient, and can bounce back from many bad situations with wagging tails and happy grins. However, some rescue dogs will need more time and patience than others. Don’t expect perfection from Fido right away.

Don’t Overlook The Underdog

Don’t just overlook that sad, scared pooch in the end cage. The overlooked pets are often the ones who need love the most! And many of those desperate pups end up being absolutely amazing pets. Watching a rescue dog blossom and thrive can be a beautiful experience. 

Think About Age

Fido is adorable at every stage of his life. However, his care needs do change over time. Puppies are adorable, of course. And, if you adopt a baby dog, you’ll also get the benefits of raising your pet yourself. However, your furry pal will need lots of training and exercise.  An adult dog can be a wonderful active pet, while a senior may make a calm and lovable companion.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Clarkesville, GA pet hospital, today!

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