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Thanksgiving With Senior Cat

November 15, 2021

We’re just a few weeks out from Thanksgiving. It’s always wonderful to enjoy some quality time with our loved ones. Our feline pals definitely count as part of the family. However, while kittens will likely spend the day getting cuddled and played with, cats in their golden years will probably prefer a quieter, more relaxing agenda. Read on as a Dawsonville, GA vet offers some advice on spending Turkey Day with an older kitty.

Peace And Quiet

Older cats are very tired, and they really just want to nap. Make sure Fluffy has a quiet spot to retreat to. You may want to set your furball up in a quiet bedroom, with bedding, food, water, a few toys, and an extra litterbox. If you’re having people stay over, you might want to ask them to close the guest room door. Otherwise, they may find your sleepy pet curled up on their coats or suitcases! 

Meal Time

Your feline buddy can have some of that delicious dinner. Plain, cooked turkey is actually a healthy snack for kitties! You will need to remove the skin, bones, and fat first, though. Fluffy can also have other types of poultry, such as duck, quail, or chicken. Most types of meat and fish are also fine, though you should limit your furball’s consumption of organ meat. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods.


Older cats sometimes look a bit unkempt. This is because they can get rather stiff and sore, and sometimes have a hard time reaching their whole bodies when cleaning themselves. Give Fluffy a good brushing before your guests arrive. This will both help your kitty stay warm and comfy and keep her looking nice.

Keep Kitty In

We always recommend keeping cats inside: it’s just much safer for them. If your furry pal is very timid, and/or tries to get out, you’ll want to be extra careful as people are coming or going. You don’t want Fluffy dashing out an open door!

Cuddle Time

After dinner, take some time to hang out with your feline friend. What better way to get through that food coma than by settling in with your loved ones, a purring cat, some leftovers, and a great movie?

Happy Thanksgiving! Please contact us, your Dawsonville, GA pet hospital, with questions or concerns about your cat’s health or care!

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