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Hilarious Things Your Pet Would Do If They Grew Thumbs

March 1, 2024

You might have noticed that we appreciate all of the pet-related holidays on the calendar. If Pets Had Thumbs Day, which falls in March, is one of the most adorable and silliest ones of the year. As you may know, many scientists attribute humanity’s opposable thumbs to the evolutionary leap that catapulted us from the caveman age to civilization. If Fido and Fluffy suddenly got thumbs, what do you think would happen? We obviously can’t ask them, but we have a pretty good idea. 

This article contains some ‘petucated’ guesses from a local Clarkesville, GA veterinarian.

Get That Itch!

It’s adorable to witness pets close their eyes in relief when you assist them in scratching that annoying spot. Your pet may immediately begin experimenting with numerous objects to determine which ones will allow them to scratch themselves more effectively. Your actual back scratcher would be immediately commandeered, but we wouldn’t be surprised if Fluffy and Fido also experimented with forks, spatulas, and other random pointy objects.

Paw Through Everything (Literally)

Pets are very inquisitive. Cats, in particular, enjoy exploring all kinds of nooks, crannies, and boxes. Fluffy might ransack every drawer and closet in the house before sleeping in the aftermath.

Of course, dogs and cats may have different reasons for snooping. Fido would naturally be on the lookout for food, happily sampling everything in the home. Fluffy, on the other paw, would most likely empty your drawers, hide anything important, and remove the labels from your canned foods, just because that’s what cats with thumbs would probably do.

Test Their Video Game Skills

It is not really far-fetched to think canines and felines would be interested in playing video games. Fido and Fluffy are hunters by nature, after all. What games would they go for? Our canine companions may enjoy Grand Theft Auto, Duck Hunt, and Frogger. Fluffy may appreciate Pacman, Tetris, or Space Invaders. Then again, she could be completely content with her current games. (Note: You can actually download games for your feline friend to play on your phone or tablet. Many of our feline pals appear to like ‘catching’ digital mice, fish, or bubbles, even without thumbs.)

Fido and Fluffy might even start competing with each other!

Shopping Binge

You probably have good reason to be grateful that your cat does not have thumbs. If your four-legged best friend could order items on their own, you might be in trouble. Your bank account could also be in peril.

But what do you think your pet would buy?

Fluffy would most likely order the following: 

  • Kitty Furniture
  • Smoked Salmon
  • Live Betta Fish
  • Catnip 
  • Spider Plants
  • Kitty Shelves 
  • Cat Enclosures
  • Beds
  • Boxes 
  • Scratching Posts 
  • More Beds 
  • Gourmet Cat Food
  • Treats

She’d also probably order some random stuff specifically for the boxes.

Fido, on the other hand, is likely to be more interested in food and toys. You may find your pet ordering lunch deliveries from any place in range. It wouldn’t be unexpected if you discovered your porch or doorstep stuffed with presents. In fact, your canine companion would likely join every food club, toy, and puppy subscription box he could find. 

Also on Fido’s list?

  • Toys
  • Kiddie Pools
  • Bacon
  • Beds
  • Rope Toys
  • Canned Food
  • Beebee Guns
  • Bow And Arrows
  • Kitchen Appliances

If Fido is friendly and social with other dogs, he may even attempt to order himself a puppy to play with!

Try Their Paw At Art

It is feasible that Man’s Best Friend and Second Best Friend would experiment with art. Fluffy’s paw painting on windshields may potentially evolve: she may try to use actual paint.

Cancel Veterinary Appointments At Their Clarkesville, GA animal Clinic

We enjoy all of our furry patients. We understand that animal clinics can be intimidating for pets: the strange environment, unexpected odors, and scents of other frightened pets, some of whom may be ill, can understandably make them nervous. We do everything we can to make appointments more convenient for Fido and Fluffy. However, we have yet to figure out how to communicate to them the significance of good veterinarian care and how critical it is to their health and well-being.

In other words, the appointment calendars at this Clarkesville, GA pet clinic may become increasingly empty.

If you bring your four-legged buddy to the groomer’s, their salon may also see an increase in cancellations.

Social Media Warfare

Social networking can have both positive and negative consequences. It’s great for keeping in touch with distant friends and relatives. However, it can be, well, a bit toxic. Fido would undoubtedly keep himself delighted by watching attractive films or videos of squirrels. Fluffy may decide to become an internet troll.

Send You A Text… Or Fifty

Many comedy websites have created funny series of imaginary texts between dogs, cats, and their owners. This may be an example of life imitating art. It would be cool to know what your pet says!

Hack Into Your Computer

This one would require pets to not only develop thumbs, but also learn basic computer skills. However, this might not be as unlikely as it seems. After all, Fluffy has spent years trying to learn by osmosis by lying on phones, tablets, keyboards and laptops.

What if your pet successfully hacked into your computer? Fido would probably download photos of adorable dogs, fire hydrants, cheeseburgers, and parks. Fluffy would delete your files, install an aquarium screensaver, and then reset your passwords.

Write You Love Notes

Sometimes we can’t help but laugh at our animal friends’ antics. But in the end, pets get incredibly attached to their owners. You might find a lovely message, card, or letter from your furry pal!

Take A Sunday Drive

If your furry friend suddenly developed thumbs, they’d probably learn how to unlock doors pretty quickly. (Fluffy may need some time to figure out how to reach the handle, but that probably wouldn’t take too long.)

Man’s Best Friend has a pretty healthy appetite for adventure, so it’s natural that he’d want to wander.  Before going to a park, pet store, or beach, your canine companion may first let all of his four-legged companions out of their houses. A cross-country road trip to every dog park in the country may appear extravagant, but it would not be out of character.

Our feline pals, of course, are not enthusiastic about car rides. Fluffy might stay close to home. She may even opt to toss your keys into a nearby lake, river, or pond.

Take Lots of Selfies

Fido and Fluffy are both extremely photogenic. Your furry companions may start filling your phone’s gallery with adorable selfies!

Destroy The Vacuum Cleaner

If there is one thing that dogs and cats often agree on, it’s that vacuum cleaners are the enemy. You’d probably find yours on the side of the road or in bits in the yard.

Kick One Another Out of the House

Dogs and cats sometimes get along great. They can also form strong friendships. However, they can get envious of one another. Fido and Fluffy may very well try to shut each other out.

Make An Appointment With Your Clarkesville, GA Veterinarian

Do you have any questions about your pet’s health or care? Is it time to make an appointment for your dog or cat? Contact your local Clarkesville, GA pet hospital today!

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