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Holistic Summer Pet Care

June 15, 2023

Do you have big plans for summer? As the hot weather approaches, you’ll want to make a few adjustments to your dog or cat’s care regimen. If you’re interested in leading a more natural, holistic lifestyle, read on. A Dawsonville, GA vet offers some summer pet care tips below.


Keeping your four-legged pal properly hydrated will go a long way towards keeping them happy, healthy, and comfortable in the heat. You may want to get filtered water, or perhaps a pet fountain, if your water isn’t great. Organic, sodium-free broth cubes make great summer snacks for Fluffy and Fido.

Attract Pollinators

Technically, this one’s more general lifestyle-related than pet care. Planting things that attract birds, bees, and other pollinators will help our local ecosystem. However, your feline pal will still benefit: she gets to watch the critters that come to her domain. Just keep Fluffy inside, where she’s safe from things like cars, weather, and traffic.

Vaccine Titers

We can’t overstate the importance of protecting your pet from dangerous diseases. Rabies, for instance, is the only disease with a 100 percent mortality rate, post symptom. However, you do have some leeway as far as scheduling. One option is going with a vaccine titer method. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Go Eco-Friendly

You may have heard of lawsuits against popular lawn and garden products. The list of harmful chemicals that are present in common household products is really nothing short of staggering. Opt for eco-friendly versions. These aren’t just better for the earth: they’re also generally safer for pets. And while it’s important to keep up with your furry friend’s parasite control, you can help control pests on your property by sprinkling food-grade diatomaceous earth around.


Do you enjoy gardening? Opt for pet-safe plants. Many popular ones are toxic to our furry friends. You can check a full list of both safe and unsafe plants at the ASPCA website here.

Keeping Pets Cool

It’s also important to help your furry best buddy beat the heat. If it’s hot, you may want to freeze a towel and put that in your pet’s bed. As for Fido, you can cool him down by hanging a bandana around his neck. The evaporation against his chest will keep his body temperature cool.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Dawsonville, GA  pet hospital!

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