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Integrative Medicine

What is integrative veterinary medicine?

Integrative medicine is whole body healing for pets. 

Integrative = Conventional + Alternative

In the past, Integrative medicine has also been called Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), holistic medicine or Eastern Medicine. As current research validates the efficacy and safety of these therapies, they are being combined with conventional medicine.

How can integrative medicine benefit my pet?

Integrative medicine can help pets with pain from arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions, cancer, digestive problems, itching & skin conditions, and many other issues. We are able to better manage your pet’s symptoms and improve their quality of life by reducing fatigue, pain and anxiety. 

Integrative Medicine Services offered:

Petwise offers whole body healing for pets, utilizing an individualized treatment plan. If your loved one is struggling with pain or mobility issues or could just use a little boost, acupuncture may be the ideal solution. Contact Petwise today to learn more or schedule an integrative medicine/acupuncture consultation.


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