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Things Cats Just Do Not Care About

October 1, 2024

Does your cat turn into a furry, meowing little diva when you are late delivering her first, second, or third breakfast? Is Fluffy a cute little tyrant over her toys, napping spots, and play sessions? Our feline pals take certain things very seriously. Then again, there are also other things that they simply do not care about. This article from a local Clarkesville, GA veterinarian includes a list of some of them.

Your Furniture

Kitties excel at putting themselves at ease. Actually, that is probably an understatement. Our feline pals are absolute masters at getting comfortable! Fluffy will not hesitate to drape herself over the back of the sofa or sit on the table to clean herself. She is also not hesitant about doing her nails on your couch or chair.

Don’t be irritated with your pet for these oversights! Your cat isn’t deliberately damaging your things on purpose; she just wants to keep her nails sharp. This makes perfect sense. After all, cats rely on their claws to survive in the wild. Fluffy’s paw daggers are her primary means of protection. They also let her climb to cover and safety, catch her dinner, and write kitty graffiti on tree trunks.

Your Schedule

Have you ever been awakened by an angry cat? As mentioned above, these little furballs take breakfast quite seriously! (Fluffy is also quite serious about second breakfast, third breakfast, and all of the various lunches, snacks, and dinners.) Of course, kittens are also known to sometimes wake up their humans in the middle of the night by pouncing on their toes.

If your furry buddy becomes rowdy and lively when you’re trying to sleep, try playing with her before bedtime. After a vigorous play session, your pet will most likely be worn out and ready for yet another nap.

Your Comfort

Speaking of snoozing, does your furry friend manage to take up the entire bed while you are relegated to a strip on the edge? We’re guessing the answer is yes for many of you. Fluffy isn’t exactly losing sleep over the matter, though. 


Fluffy can be quite sweet and affectionate, which definitely aids her ability to melt our hearts. She can also be rather temperamental, sometimes biting or scratching us unexpectedly. Your pet may also have a habit of cleaning herself in the center of the room. The point here? Petiquette is not one of Fluffy’s top concerns.

Your Plants

Many cats enjoy sniffing and nibbling on green leaves. Fluffy looks adorable sneaking out at her humans from behind plants while pretending to be a dangerous predator! Of course, she’s not above knocking down plants or completely destroying them. She will demolish some houseplants, such as spider plants, if given the chance.

Plants actually provide enrichment for cats. Your cat will benefit from being able to smell and taste leaves. Plus, staring out through the vegetation allows your adorable pet to channel her inner tigress. Simply put safety first. Only set out plants that are safe for your kitty companion. The ASPA has a fantastic list of them here

You should also be careful when arranging plants. Your pet may play with the dangling part of the macrame holder, maybe causing the plant to fall on her. Keep heavier pots at floor level.


Fido and Fluffy’s relationship has been complicated throughout the years, with many ups and downs. In some cases, they have grown pretty close. It’s always endearing to see a calm, patient canine allow a kitten to pounce on his tail or sleep on his back. Of course, there are occasions when things get a little rocky. While the dog is usually the aggressor, the cat can also be the bully! Fluffy has no qualms about taking dog beds or smacking her canine roommate right in the kisser.

Your Career

While some things have returned to pre-pandemic or post-pandemic standards, one thing we don’t anticipate changing is the use of video conferencing, particularly for commercial purposes. We don’t have an exact tally of how many of our feline patients have crashed their owners’ zoom calls or trodden on their laptops, but it’s safe to assume that the figure isn’t zero.

Kitties occasionally assist their owners while they work. If you work from home, your pet may be an excellent coworker, at least when it comes to morale. 

However, don’t be surprised if Fluffy crashes a Zoom meeting or occasionally walks across your keyboard. 

We recommend setting a relatively short screen lock period, such as 15 seconds. That will lessen the likelihood that every time you walk away, your pet has caused havoc on whatever you were working on.

Us (Their Clarkesville, GA Veterinarians)

Many of our feline friends aren’t exactly delighted to see us. We understand! Automobile travel accounts for a significant portion of this. While our canine patients like going for drives, cats prefer to stay within their own kingdoms. In fact, many cats are more concerned about the travel than they are with their appointments! We do everything we can to make our patients’ appointments as quick, convenient, and comfortable as possible. However, we tried to convey to Fluffy that proper veterinary care will make her considerably healthier, making her more comfortable and, ultimately, happier.

Your pet’s appointment and medical care requirements will change over time, so heed your veterinarian’s advice. That being said, we urge that all cats be microchipped, spayed or neutered, and maintained up to date on vaccines, checkups, and parasite management. In between appointments, keep an eye out for signs of illness. If you observe anything out of the ordinary, contact your Lulu, GA veterinarian.

The Laws of Physics

Cats are unique for a variety of reasons. They’re not only adorable and personable, but also really funny. Fluffy’s acrobatics are pretty incredible! Kitties’ ability to hop, bend, and twist is one of the things that makes them so interesting. This isn’t entirely a mystery. We know that cats are exceptionally flexible due to their skeletal structure. However, we still often raise an eyebrow at some of their bold gymnastic moves. There’s also the fact that these small balls of fur can sleep comfortably in positions typically associated with knots. 

Let’s just say we have our questions on this one.

Local Wildlife 

Kitties are noted for their hunting skills. In fact, we first befriended them because of their ability to catch rodents and other vermin. Fluffy, on the other hand, does more than just kill to get her meal. She thinks it’s highly entertaining, and also just assumes that it’s part of her kitty duties. 

While it’s adorable to see how proud your cat is when she puts a dead mouse at your feet, there’s also reason to be cautious. It turns out that our kitty buddies are adorable little serial killers. House cats kill billions of tiny animals each year. Given how many species are imperiled or endangered, this raises serious concerns. We propose that you keep your furry little murderess inside and give her catnip mice to hunt instead of real ones.

Book An Appointment At Our Clarkesville, GA Animal Clinic

Is your kitty companion due for a checkup? Are you looking for an excellent veterinarian in the area? Please feel free to contact us at any time. As your Cleveland, GA pet hospital, we are committed to providing excellent treatment!

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