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Adopt A Shelter Cat Month

June 1, 2023

June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! We’re always thrilled to meet new patients that were former shelter kitties, and we’d love to meet more. Going to a shelter is a pretty purrfect way to find your new feline buddy! A Clarkesville, GA vet offers some advice on adopting a shelter kitty below.

Be Prepared To Commit

Adopting a pet—any pet—represents a lifelong commitment, and a promise to provide that little ball of fur with love and great care for the rest of her life. Don’t adopt Fluffy unless you are ready, willing, and able to make that sort of forever promise.

Spend Time With Fluffy

Sometimes you only need to glance at a kitty to know that you’ve found your feline companion. At other times, it can be quite difficult to choose from a lineup of cute furry faces. Don’t overlook those unwanted cats: the shy senior; the wary, scarred tabby; the nervous kitty in the corner. Sometimes they end up being the best pets!

Get Ready

Ideally, you’ll want to have your home prepped and ready before you bring Fluffy home. Petproofing is a must! Some of the things to address include toxic plants, wires and cords, small and sharp objects, and chemicals and medication. You’ll also need to get some kitty basics, such as toys, bedding, and furniture. There are a few things you should wait to purchase until you’ve chosen your kitty, as some products should be selected according to age. Food, litter and litterboxes fall under this category. Clay and clumping litters can be dangerous for kittens, who sometimes accidentally ingest them. If you get a senior cat, pick a litterbox that is easy for her to get in and out of.

Bringing Kitty Home

Fluffy will need time to get used to her new domain. If you have a large house and/or other pets, put her in a separate area at first, with all of her kitty necessities and a radio playing softly. Give her time to settle in. You’ll want to schedule a veterinary appointment ASAP, but aside from that, just let your furry friend get used to her new abode. Don’t force attention on Fluffy: purrs and cuddles must be earned. Love takes time!

As your local Clarkesville, GA veterinary clinic, we are dedicated to providing top-notch veterinary care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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