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Walking Your Dog

$1 First Time Client Exams

October 1, 2021

It’s Walk Your Dog Week! This certainly is perfect weather for enjoying some long, relaxing strolls with your canine companion. Read on as a local Clarkesville, GA vet offers some pointers on walking Fido.


For many of you, those daily walks are a must, simply for sanitation purposes. However, they are also a great way to keep your pup in shape physically. The change of scenery is also great for Fido mentally. Dogs can pick up a lot of information from sniffing at brush and grasses. That mental stimulation is great for keeping your pooch happy and entertained. Fido’s walks also give him a chance to burn off any excess energy. Plus, they’re a great chance for you and your furry best friend to spend some time together.


Your canine pal will need a sturdy leash, one that won’t snap if he lunges after a squirrel. Retractable leashes are great, but there are some situations where they can be dangerous. For instance, we don’t recommend using them around busy roads, around other dogs, or near hazardous areas, such as steep drops or riverbanks. Fido could be in trouble if the mechanism snaps! A good collar or harness is also a must. Your pooch may be more comfortable in a harness. However, he’ll still need a collar for his ID tags.


Safety should always be first and foremost. One key thing is to pay close attention to the terrain. Steer Fido around things like broken glass, and don’t let him investigate spots that look like they could be hiding snakes or other wild animals. Traffic is another concern. Don’t let Fido get out in front of you when crossing intersections or driveways. If you are walking down a road, keep your canine friend to the outside. He has a shorter profile than you, and will be harder for drivers to see. If you wear earbuds, keep the volume down low, so you can hear things like brakes or horns. Darkness presents a few more hazards. The days are getting shorter now, which means a lot more night walks for many of you. Get reflective gear for both you and your furry buddy. You may also want to take a flashlight along. You can even get leashes with attached ones.

As your Clarkesville, GA animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Please contact us anytime!

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